


Currently, I am pursuing a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering at the same university, as a member of Professor Zou Cheng's team in the Internet of Things Laboratory. My research interests include UAVs, computer vision, LiDAR, and multi-sensor fusion technologies.

教育经历 Education Background 🏫

2018.09-2022.06 福建理工大学 机械设计制造及其自动化 本科

🤩优秀学生 优秀共青团员 优秀毕业生🤩

2018.09-2022.06 B.E., Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation, Fujian University of Technology (Outstanding Student, Outstanding Communist Youth League Member, Outstanding Graduate)

2022.09-2025.06 福建理工大学 机械 硕士研究生


2022.09-2025.06 M.E., Mechanical Engineering, Fujian University of Technology (National Scholarship for Graduate Students)

工作经历 Work Experience 🏢

2020.07-2020.08 福建科盛包装有限公司(实习)

机械装配及仓储部门⚙️ -- 机械工程师


2020.07-2020.08 Fujian Kesheng Packaging Co., Ltd. (Internship) - Mechanical Assembly and Warehouse Department
Initially involved in manufacturing mechanical equipment, later participated in warehouse management

2022.09-2024.06 福建飞虎无人机有限公司(实习)

装备及算法部门💻 -- 算法工程师


2022.09-2024.06 Fujian AeroTiger UAV Co., Ltd. (Internship) - Equipment and Algorithm Department
Served as an Algorithm Engineer, independently completed 5 products from project initiation to implementation, and collaborated on 5 others. Mainly responsible for developing control software for ground and aerial robots, including: UAV ground station design, unmanned vehicle remote control, LiDAR obstacle avoidance, image recognition, defect detection, and other algorithmic implementations and sales.

主要专业技能 Core Technical Skills 🤖


C++ Python MATLAB


OpenCV PyTorch ROS


Qt VS Code PyCharm Android Studio CMake


SolidWorks Vim Git PuTTY